The Popular Apollo Series 65 is back, Conventional Fire Alarms and Smoke Alarms
It used to be that everyone had an Apollo Fire / Smoke Alarm - they were the most popular conventional alarms and the most installed alarms. But now with the rise of so many other manufacturers within the UK, the Apollo fire alarms had a relative decrease in popularity. Still, here they are back with the Apollo Series 65 conventional smoke alarms and fire alarms! This range is composed of a wide voltage conventional fire detectors: ionisation smoke detectors, optical smoke detectors, heat detectors, and a wide range of bases. The Apollo Series 65 fire alarms has been developed from the highly successful Series 60 range of conventional detectors. The fire detectors and heat detectors in the Series 65 incorporate well-proven sensing technologies, together with advances in materials and electronics technology - including an IC based on that used in XP95 analogue addressable detectors. With a wide operating voltage - 9-33V - this series of detectors can be integrated into security systems - when used with a relay base. Also, the Apollo Series 65 wide voltage range consists of ionization, integrating ionization and optical smoke detectors, 4 grades of heat detector and a range of bases. The detectors in series 65 are identical in their appearance to series 60. Each type of detector is available in three versions - the standard version, the version with an LED which flashes continuously in quiescent mode, and one with both a flashing LED and a magnet-operated test switch(reed relay). Apollo Series 65 conventional alarms - main features Wide operating voltage; Advanced electronic technology; Flashing LED option; Magnetic test switch option; Can be used on security systems; Electrically compatible with Apollo Series 60; Mechanically compatible with Apollo Series 60; Proven detection performance; Tested and approved to EN54-7:2000(optical and ionization smoke detectors) and EN54-5:2000(heat detectors). Apollo Series 65 Fire Alarms and Smoke Detectors - on our website The FX343 Apollo Series 65 Optical Smoke Detector 55000-317 The FX344 Apollo Series 65 Heat Detector, A1R Rate of Rise Heat detector Apollo 55000-122Buy Apollo Series 65 Conventional Alarms