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Aico Ei1529RC Hardwired Alarm Control Switch for Remote Test, Hush, and Locate

Model No. EI1529RC by: Aico
Availability: Normally In Stock


List price £39.12
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If you have a fire alarm system comprised of three or more interconnected smoke/heat alarms, it can be useful to keep a remote test and hush switch to hand. The Aico Ei1529RC is designed specifically for use with the Aico Ei160 series of smoke and heat alarms: the Ei161RC ionisation detector, Ei164RC heat detector and the Ei166RC optical detector.

Ideal for elderly or vulnerable users, the wall-mounted switch tests, locates or silences your interconnected smoke alarms from an easily accesible low-level position. This item is guaranteed for five years.

Remote test and hush switch specifically designed for use with the Ei161RC, Ei164RC or Ei166RC, and with the Ei2110 series.

Aico EI1529RC Mains Powered Remote Control Switch - functions

  1. Test the alarm: All alarms on the system will sound. This is the equivalent of pressing the test button on each individual alarm
  2. Locate, identify a triggered alarm: The triggered alarm can be audibly identified - and silences all others - automatically resetting after 10 minutes
  3. Hush, silence the alarm: Will silence nuisance alarms for approximately 10 minutes before automatically resetting
  4. Mains check: the Test function will not operate without mains power, providing a simple way to test the mains supply

The remote control is recommended for use in systems comprising of three or more interconnected smoke/heat alarms. The wall mounted switch unit locates, tests alarms or silences false alarms (only on 'R' models in the system) from an easily accessible low level switch position.

Ideal for the infirm or elderly. Supplied with a surface box, it can be flush mounted using a standard 35mm deep electrical socket box.

5 years guarantee.

Note: Some images and pictures are for reference only. The item may differ from the image/picture due to manufacturer's change. Should you require the exact item in the picture, please call or email us to enquire.

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